Hitler Youth: Growing up in Hitler’s Shadow


Bartoletti, Susan. Hitler Youth: Growing up in Hitler’s Shadow. New York: Scholastic, 2005. ISBN 0439862736.


This is not a book about Hitler. It is about the young men and women who followed Hitler and the Nazi party from 1933 to 1945. The Hitler Youth offered its members excitement, adventure, and heroes. Bartoletti weaves the stories of several youths into the historical context of the rise to power of the Nazi Party. The book outlines the rise in power of Hitler and his focus on the young people of Germany.


Bartoletti seems to be first and foremost a storyteller. A big part of what makes this book so captivating is her ability to capture the experiences of so many different people and weave them together in this book. The book is well organized. Readers who have extensive knowledge on the subject or very little background knowledge will be able to follow along with the text. Everyone will be able to gain insight into what took place.  

Carefully selected photographs and captions accompany the text and add to each chapter. Bartoletti used images from Nazi propaganda, the Allies, family albums, and national archives. The photographs are well placed and well chosen. In terms of accuracy, Bartoletti provides sources for all of the quotes used in the book. She also includes an extensive bibliography which adds to her credibility.


“Nonfiction writing at its best. Essential for WWII collections as well as teaching units on conformity, peer pressure and resistance.” –Kirkus Starred Review

“Bartoletti lets many of the subjects’ words, emotions, and deeds speak for themselves, bringing them together clearly to tell this story unlike anyone else has.” –School Library Journal

“Bartoletti draws on oral histories, diaries, letters and her own extensive interviews with Holocaust survivors, Hitler Youth, resisters, and bystanders to tell the history from the viewpoints of people who were there.” –Booklist Starred Review


This book is an excellent resource for any Holocaust unit or World War II unit.

This would also be great in a lesson on peer pressure.


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